
Research on Both Cognitive and Affective Skills

  1. CRESSWELL, R. “Spreading thoughts”, in Thinking (Vol.10,第8号决议)关于培养儿童哲学兴趣的试点项目的报告. 学生和老师对项目表现出了浓厚的兴趣和积极的态度, 他们声称需要一个更完整的方案.
  2. DANIEL, M.F. & A. M. (2000):《十大博彩推荐排名》. Thinking, vol. 15, no. 3, 17-25. 本实验是在法国和魁北克对两组幼儿园学生进行的, (法国2岁半到4岁,魁北克5岁). They worked with a story for kindergarten, Audrey-Anne’s Tales. It was a pre-experiment, 意识的发展与身体的关系也没有定论, to violence and prevention of violence.
  3. HOPE, HAAS J. (1975): “Miller Street and Morton Street. Newark”. 200名学生在实验组,200名学生在对照组. On the sixth grade level, substantial improvements in reading, critical thinking and interpersonal relationships. 五年级学生对知识自由的态度有所改善. 六年级和五年级学生的阅读能力有了显著提高(p < 0).2). Results in other categories tested were inconclusive. Abstract in LIPMAN, M: Philosophy Goes to School (Temple University Press, 1990).
  4. JACKSON, THOMAS E. (1993):《十大博彩推荐排名》 Thinking Vol. 10, no 4. 这是对1990-91学年方案实施情况的评估报告, with 56 teachers involved. 该报告是基于学生和老师回答的两份问卷, who offer their perception of the program. The results are very positive. The article includes the questionnaires.
  5. KYLE, JUDE(1987):“一个不成功的故事:为什么P4C在暑期学校的设置中没有“采取”有天赋的学生”. Analytic Teaching. Vol. 7, no. 2. 作者提供了一个描述性的叙述,详细说明了在一个针对天才儿童的暑期项目中使用儿童哲学的有限成功. Some ideas for better implementation of the program are suggested.
  6. McDERMOTT, 莫琳:“通过哲学实践鼓励处于危险中的高中生‘理性’”. Positive impact of implementing Harry with a group of 12 students at risk in school. 实施结束后,8名学生成功恢复了学业成绩. Students improve in reasonableness. Word file.
  7. MALMHESTER, B., OHLSSON R. (1994):《十大博彩推荐排名》,CAHMY, DANIELA G.: Children Thinking and Philosophy. 第五届国际儿童哲学会议论文集. Graz: AcademiaVerlag, Sankt Augustin.
  8. MALMHESTER, B., OHLSSON R. (1994):瑞典6年项目:“世界最佳思维”. 做哲学对儿童认知技能和某些情感维度影响的定性报告. It also focuses on the possible danger of fostering relativism. Word file.
  9. MALMHESTER, B. (1999):《十大博彩推荐排名》对课堂上哲学讨论中儿童态度的定性描述. Word File.
  10. KARIN MURRIS:《十大博彩推荐排名》. Memo graphic report. K. Murris总结了1992年在威尔士18所学校开展的一项研究项目(提高小学阅读标准项目)的报告。. Six schools delivered the thinking skills and the reading intervention; six schools delivered only the reading activity; and six schools delivered no additional intervention. 教师/研究者通过参与者的自我评估收集和分析讨论的证据. The program resulted in gains in: thinking and reasoning; listening skills, expressing language; discussion and debating skills; confidence and self-esteem.
  11. 北领地部(1991年):《十大博彩推荐排名》,1991年 Thinking (Vol.10, no.4)有利的介绍是基于校长的反应, teachers, parents and pupils. About 2400 children, more than 300 teachers, 家长和其他参与者对该计划的实施给予了积极的评价. There is no quantitative data, just qualitative comments.
  12. SASSEVILLE, MICHEL(1994):《十大博彩推荐排名》 Thinking, Vol. 11, no 2. 4个实验组(3 - 6年级,96名学生)和5个对照组(123名儿童). 第一和第二四分位数的学生在自尊和逻辑技能方面表现出积极而显著的增长. 第三四分位数的学生在自尊方面没有显著差异, but showed an increase in logical skills. 他们观察到第四个四分位数的学生在自尊方面有显著下降,在逻辑技能方面没有任何变化. There is not enough data in the paper.
  13. THOMPSON, A. GRAY & ECHEVERRÍA, E.:“儿童哲学:促进危地马拉民主的工具”. Analytic Teaching, Vol. 8, 1. PP. 44-52. Interesting research. The authors focus on thinking skills and democratic attitudes, using NJTRS and other tests that are not mentioned. 没有数据,但从教师的评论中提供了一些证据.
  14. 玛丽·耶泽尔(1981):《十大博彩推荐排名》,载于《十大博彩推荐排名》 Thinking 2, 86-88. 研究确定使用P4C材料对教师态度和批判性思维技能的影响. Critical thinking skills did not seem to be significantly altered; however there was significant change in personal attitudes, specifically affirmation of self-actualizing values. The study involves 8 teachers and data are included.
  15. YULE, SANDY AND GLASER, JEN (1994). Classroom Dialogue and the Teaching of Thinking, unpublished research report, University of Melbourne.
  16. 作者不详(1997):《十大博彩推荐排名》.它提供了一个关于在英国一些学校学习哲学的好处的简短报告, Tuckswood First Schools, “提高小学阅读水平项目”(Dyfed LEA), 1994)和临床心理学家Elizabeth Doherr(2000年7月)进行的一项研究. Word file.