

The documents provided below are for use on any 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 project or initiative. The documents are organized according to each phase of the project life-cycle. Click on each link to download the document which will include appropriate sections along with the instructions of what information to include.

For help with using any of our templates please email 谢里夫Akkara at akkaras@hebhgkq.com.



  • 项目章程:This document will outline the purpose of the project, the way the project will be structured and how it will be successfully implemented.
  • 项目计划模板: This document will clearly define project scope, cost, 时间表 and work organization.
  • Request for Proposal (RFP) Template: This document will be used to elicit bids from potential vendors for a desired IT solution. It will include needs of the 大学 as well as an evaluation criteria for assessing the proposal.
  • Business Requirement Document: This document will provide details on the business solution for a project including the documentation of customer needs and expectations.
  • 供应商选择文件: This document will help with the process of selecting a vendor.
  • 体系结构检查表: This document lists all the elements that should be present in the system architecture and application design.
  • 测试计划: This document will outline the test strategy, 目标, resources required for testing, 测试进度, test estimation and test deliverables.
  • 测试策略: Use this template to document the necessary information required to effectively define the approach to be used in the testing of the project’s product.
  • 培训计划: This document will provide details about the training which includes describing the purpose and objective of the training, 目标 and curriculum overview.
  • Test Case and Expected Result Template: This document is a template of a Test Case and Expected Results document for a project.
  • 沟通计划: This document will help you clarify how the project team will communicate with each other and others regarding the project.
  • Requirements Traceability Matrix: The Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a tool to help ensure that the project’s scope, 需求, and deliverables remain “as is” when compared to the baseline.


  • Vendor Selection Process Framework: This document will help with the process of selecting a vendor.
  • 测试用例和结果: This excel spreadsheet will help you to track test cases along with the results.
  • 缺陷跟踪系统: Use this template to document all issues/defects uncovered during the process of system validation. This template includes a ‘ReadMe’ sheet and a couple of other reference worksheets to explain the standards/process to be followed along with the template itself.
  • 会议议程: This document will provide an outline of the items to be covered during a meeting.
  • 分钟模板: This document should be used to document the details of a meeting.
  • 阶段检阅: Gates and Gate Reviews also provide a formal means of controlling project risk, 监视范围变更, and maintaining stakeholder interest.


  • 项目计划更新: This document is the same as the project plan template. Use it to update any changes to the scope, cost etc.
  • 项目计分卡: This document is used to assess a project’s risk and complexity.
  • Project Scope Change Document: This document will help you manage, review and get approval for project changes that affect budget, 时间表, resources and vendor statement of work.
  • 操作日志: This document will help keep a log of all the action items including responsible person(s) and due dates.
  • 风险日志: This document will help you capture the risks and mitigations along with impact and severity.


  • 业务交接: This document is a checklist/worksheet that will help to ensure the proper transfer of project into operations.
  • 经验教训模板:  The Lessons Learned template can be used to document and analyze the lessons learned from a project to apply them to future projects throughout the organization.