Photo of 大学 Hall
Office of Sponsored Programs

3rd Annual Grant Recognition Reception

发布: Grant Recognition Reception, OSP的公告

4月14日, the Office of 研究 和 Sponsored Programs (ORSP) 和 大学 Advancement jointly hosted ƒ

十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学’s Third Annual Grant Recognition Reception. Nearly one hundred 大学 faculty 和 staff were in attendance, joined by the Deans of each College, Provost Willard Gingerich, 和 Vice President for 大学 Advancement Jack Shannon. 事件 spotlighted the efforts of 十大博彩推荐排名州立’s faculty 和 staff in securing external sponsorship for their research 和 other service 和 scholarly programs in 2014.

事件, jointly organized by ORSP 和 大学 Advancement 和 in its third year, was held in the Periodicals Reading Room of the Harry A. 斯普拉格图书馆. Representatives from across the 大学 were on-h和 to recognize a strong year of grants 和 gifts: over 95 awards were received, 总共超过9美元.700万年.

Grant Recognition Awards

Provost’s 2015 Grant Recognition Award 去了 布莱恩·默多克, Director of the Center for Community Engagement, in recognition of his success in securing nearly $1.700万年 in ongoing funding since 2012, including a recent $2.500万美元,5年.S. Department of Education award. 的 Provost also commended Bryan for his efforts in leading 十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学’s application 和 selection as a Community Engaged Campus by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. He was joined by CCE staff 和 Dr. Frederick Bonato, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs.
布莱恩·默多克 receiving award

‌丹尼斯骨 (导演,咪咪 & Edwin Feliciano Center for Entrepreneurship) received recognition for the project “Pitch Competition,” which was awarded $120,000 by the TeleBr和s Corporation. He was joined by Kimberly Hollister, Acting Dean of the School of Business.
Dennis Bone receiving award

朱利安傲慢 (人类学, CHSS) was recognized for “研究 at Undergraduate Institutions: 的 High Line: Public Space in the Contemporary City,” which has been funded by the National Science Foundation for two years for a total of $250,000. He was joined by Luis Montesinos, Acting Dean of the College of Humanities 和 Social Sciences.
朱利安傲慢 recieving award

‌杰森·迪金森 (导演:罗伯特. McCormick Center for Child Advocacy 和 Policy) was recognized for a $700,000 subaward from Rutgers 大学 in support of the “NJ Child Welfare Training Partnership 2014-2015,” sponsored by the NJ Department of Children 和 Families. Dr. Dickinson accepted his award along with staff members Gloria Rodriguez 和 Adrienne Millican. 的y were joined by Luis Montesinos, Acting Dean of the College of Humanities 和 Social Sciences.
Jason Dickinson receiving award

黛博拉潇洒风格我是唐·马歇尔·罗伯茨 (School of Communication 和 Media, CART) received recognition for their $125,000 award from the Geraldine R. 道奇基金会., in support of the “New Jersey Commons 2014.” 的ir award was accepted on their behalf by Joe Amditis, Coordinator of the Center for Cooperative Media.
黛博拉潇洒风格 和 我是唐·马歇尔·罗伯茨 receiving award

詹妮弗•罗宾逊 (Director, Center of Pedagogy) 和 苏珊Wrey (幼儿, 小学教育, 和扫盲教育, CEHS) were recognized for “Newark Montclair Urban Teacher Residency,” which was awarded $937,381 .美国.S. Department of Education, 和 is expected to total $6.2 million over the next five years. 的y are joined by Tamara Lucas, Acting Dean of the College of Education 和 Human Services.
詹妮弗•罗宾逊 和 苏珊Wrey receieving awards

大卫·拉约翰Siekierka (化学 & 生物化学, CSAM) were recognized for “Development of Medical Countermeasures for Botulinum Neurotoxin Intoxication Focused on 的rapeutics 和 Neuroregenerative Medicines,” which was awarded Year 1 funding of $423,五年期贷款, $2.5 million contract from the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Robert Prezant, Dean of the College of Science 和 Mathematics, accepted Dr. Rotella’s award on his behalf.
大卫·拉 和 约翰Siekierka receiving an award